Harvey +15, Saturday September 9, 2017
OK, OK, so I missed doing an update last night – sue me. If you win, you can get my house and I get yours. Deal? OMG – I crack myself up. Quick shout out to my family in Miami. My aunt, who lives in Miami Beach was initially not going to evacuate and when questioned on her safety and the possible surge her answer was “Don’t worry, I have a floatie” (seriously that is what she said). After that the Vegas Odds were 3:2 – my aunt vs Irma although eventually she saw reason and is now staying with her brother. Just a little aside, as I thought you want to know that my family is as crazy as me. Regarding Houston, we finalized our approach to getting the house back together. On Monday/Tuesday of next week our contractor will finish up the more complicated demo, Wednesday we will have a water remediation crew in, and then about 3-4 days later we will do a final mold treatment. Once we complete this process we can start the actual rebuild...