Harvey +4, Tuesday Evening August 29, 2017

I feel like I am writing a blog.  Maybe I should call it The Water Logged Blog...

We spent the day getting the house water free - mopping, towels, blah, blah - once the rain stopped .  I finally learned how joyous the absence of sound can be.  (By the way, I am invoking the Hurricane Harvey rules of grammar here so don't be upset about the dangling participle.)

However, it seems that there might be more to come.  While the rain has indeed stopped there is still significant flooding throughout Houston and 2 major reservoirs, Addicks and Barker for the Googlers, are overloaded.  In order to prevent an uncontrolled incident they are letting a controlled amount of water out which will put more water on already overflowing bayous and water ways.  It sounds pretty crappy for me and a bunch of others but it would be much worse if they didn't.

Anyway, it is super weird and kinda spooky to watch the water slowly creep up to house in total silence.  There is no rain, no sound of rushing water, just the silence and slow but steady movement of water.   As you can imagine, I am no longer so fond of silence.  (Maybe those people who say I am fickle are right?).

It is likely the house will take in water again but we are not sure how much and don't have an indicator when it will stop.  Some peeps say a foot, others 3 ft, others say 1-5ft. The issue is there is no common baseline to measure against.  Hooray for group learning (we should pass this on to the training team).

So...if you have continued reading the short of it is tonight will be another long night.

On the really awesome side, Lisa and I are safe, we have many friends close by who can help if needed and  some have boats if it gets that bad (just weird to be writing that a neighbor with a boat is important not just interesting).  In addition, we continue to learn from one another and all in all making the best of it.  No matter what happens we have amazing friends and family.  For example, a friend with a large truck dropped of pizza for us as his vehicle was able to get through the water. 

Again, thanks for all your well wishes and support. 



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