Harvey +8, Saturday September 3, 2017

(See Guest Post Below)

Love it!!!  Amazing story about the hogs and thanks for sending out the blog today.

For those that don't know, Doug is a machine about giving to others and supporting his community.  This is a small glimpse into the source of strength he has been for many, many people in Houston, including me. 

As for That Guy, he beat the snot out of Harvey today. Talk tomorrow.


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Guest Post from a Friend

So Nat has been providing all of you an interesting view into the mind of a Middle Age Jewish Guy, I thought I might hijack the blog with a perspective from the Older "but more fit" suburban white guy that didn't get flooded. It's actually pretty difficult to sit in you dry house that still has power and internet and watch your friends and family struggling with the aftermath of this storm. Any for many it's now a race against time. How fast can you get back into your house and tear it up in order to salvage anything.

So today, about 65 men, women and kids from my crossfit gym split up in groups of 12 and headed out to do some demo. What an eye opener this was. Now understand this is the suburbs. Nice houses, big schools, Friday night lights, all that stuff. We drove about 6 blocks to a staging area where we parked and dropped a couple canoes in the water.   It literally was like a Taxi line where people were waiting for boats to take them to check out their flooded homes. While we waited groups brought water, food and encouragement to everyone standing around. Since we had a large group we waited about 45 minutes and got a boat to take us half way. Then we had wade in. After about 20 minutes of wading in thigh deep water, that smelled like ðŸ’© we finally made it to to the homeowners house.  

We descended on this house like a bunch of ants and 6 hours later had basically removed everything that has been touched by water and piled it in the front yard. Furniture, floors, Sheetrock, appliances, nothing could be saved. This lady who I had never met and may never see again had no insurance and now no belonging. We bagged up and demo'd the entire house,  and it was way harder then it looks on HGTV. Then when it was time to walk out we were stopped by a pack of about 25 wild boars. Yes, wild boars. They have been pushed to dry land and have made a home in this neighbors. Now this is Texas so we did have some fire power but not enough rounds to take out 25 hogs that's weighed at least 150 pounds. So we had to call the redneck army and someone showed up with a monster truck to basically drive us out. Crazy times, and we will back at it tomorrow and probably a few more times next week.


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