Harvey +13, Thursday September 7, 2017

Today I thought I would have a shorter update and post videos.  (Videos are at the bottom)

One of the awesome things that happened today was our generator arrived .  THANK YOU NetSuite!  (see pic)   Lisa and I are very thankful and grateful for this gift and while I know many people were involved in this I want to give a special shout out to Matt DeLauro and Brenee Staples.

As for the day, it was a pretty straight forward Harvey recovery day.  I got back into work while Lisa began to organize our belongings (no small task once you see the video).  In addition, we reviewed our first contractor bid, received a bid on water remediation, and took Lisa's car to the shop (it runs but has more lights \on the dashboard than a Christmas tree) in addition to having taken on water.  We are learning a lot about the process while also trying to navigate insurance, FEMA, and the different stages of rebuilding.  More on this in the next few days.

With regard to the videos, I have tried to narrate them but as this is new to me the commentary is not exactly "smooth".

Thanks a have great day!


Pic of The Beast!

Here is a 2 minute video tour of what our home looks like now. (with sound)

Here is a 1.5 minute tour of what the upstairs looks like now. (with sound)

Here is a 1.5 minute video of our neighborhood. (with sound)


  1. I am going to bookmark this page so that every time I lose a deal or miss my commit for the week I have a reality check. I'm inspired by your continued sense of humor and your optimism. Thinking of Lisa and sending well wishes from Austin. - Ann De Lauro

  2. I'm so sorry this happened to your home, Nat. I love your blog - as Ann mentioned above, it is inspiring to see that you have kept your awesome sense of humor through this and definitely helps put things in perspective. ~Kim Haile


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